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What is S Factor? How is this different than other pole studios?
S Factor was one of the original pole dancing studios, having opened in Los Angeles over 20 years ago. We teach a specifically designed warm-up which becomes the Movement and Flow you will then use when you free dance. I lean heavily on a moving meditation way of dance, rather than choreography. I feel it is a much deeper way of connecting to your body, and your body telling you what she needs. It's mind-blowing. Yes, we teach a lot of pole in all classes and some light choreo in open level classes. Many former S students have branched off and opened their own studios, but S Factor is licensed and can only be taught by an S Factor licensed instructor.
I've never taken a pole class. Which one do I take?
We have a variety of classes to introduce to to pole and the movement. An intro class is a great way to test the waters. Any open level class is great for beginners. The best way to dive into the movement is the Foundational level, which is the "classic" 2 hour class, part of the Journey series.
I have taken pole classes at other studios, what classes can I take?
If you have experience with pole, but not with S Factor, then you would still begin with a Foundational level Journey class or any open level class. Learning the warm-up, which is the language of the dance, is essential to joining a Journey class. Alternatively, you could take an appropriate amount of private lessons or single classes to join an Intermediate level. We've had several successful students do just that! It will be assessed on a case by case basis.
What do I wear to class?
All you need are comfortable workout clothes: yoga pants or shorts; t-shirt or tank top; etc. Initial classes are taught barefoot, and we introduce heels in the Foundation. They are never required, but definitely a lot of fun.
What is the Erotic Creature journey?
Eros, from Greek mythology, was the god of love and desire. Your erotic creature is simply that part of you we tend to keep locked inside, hidden and veiled, and then we ignore her for far too long. She is your creative life force, your inner most desires, your emotional body, who needs to express herself through movement. E-motion is energy in emotion. We need to unlock this energy and let her flow through you so that you may celebrate your innermost desires within a supportive environment that can allow her to breathe, shout, climb, dance, spin, stomp, love, rage, cry, laugh, etc. Your EC journey is lifelong. The Journey classes focus on the EC journey.
I don't have a lot of upper body strength (or any)...
I hear this comment most often. Everyone starts at the beginning, and you build it over time. This is why I focus on gentle yet intense warm up, which is super sexy! I will take into account and injuries or limitations. You will start training on day one, and we take students slowly through their Journey, without pushing you too fast, because that can cause injuries.
Do you compete?
We do not - at this time. If you are interested in competition training, I can help you with your flow and finesse in your routine. I am primarily focused on your EC journey and what you are unearthing through that process.
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